He catches up with me in the corridor.


The footfalls behind my back are light and fast. I speed up as well, unthinkingly, but still he closes the distance so easily damn those long, long legs. Even all that metal in his body and I would bet adamantium is no light alloy even it doesnt slow him down enough. He is still fast. Too fast.


You werent there in the Danger Room.


Oh really? And I didnt know that


I had to fill in for you.


I never asked you to do that, I snap back, finally turning to face him.


And his eyes burn me. I will never see what color his eyes are. Somebody told me once that they were hazel. Who? It even might have been Jean and it even might have been because I asked her that question myself and she might have even smiled when answering it, with that familiar smile, a little playful, understanding back then, long ago, everything might have been.


It burns, because the look in his eyes is soft, a little sad, worried




You didnt, he agrees easily. But they did.


And I dont care. I dont say that aloud. He is sure to understand that without any words. You wont say so at first sight, but he is no fool. Not at all. I dont care what they ask for. I dont care what they want me to do. Once, back then, long ago, maybe a hundred year ago for all it feels like, I only wanted them to do one simple thing. I asked them, I begged them dont let her die! Dont let her do what she wants to do! Help her! Help me They couldnt help. She didnt let them or thats what they told me. So they dont owe me anything. Only it means that I dont owe them anything, either.


I dont care.




He grabs my wrist. When Im already about to leave, yes, to leave him in that damn corridor with those hazel eyes, and those hints, and those worries, and that compassion I never asked for, - just then he grabs me by the wrist and holds me down.




And I freeze. I could break free from his hold hes not that much stronger than me. But I dont do that. I just freeze, because he has placed his hand with such an accidental (really accidental?) precision right over that narrow strip of skin between the leather of my jacket sleeve and the leather of my glove, my bare, uncovered skin that feels the warmth so desperately acutely.


You have to understand, he tells me, and deep in his (allegedly hazel) eyes there is pain, dark and bitter. You have to understand: she is dead. Dead.


My upper lip curls up, baring my teeth. I snarl. I snarl at him, because he hits the sore spot, hits the open wound, hits painfully. I snarl, and this miserable attempt at a snarl must seem amusing to him at best. I am human, and he is an animal, and next to him I really am laughable only he isnt laughing. He doesnt seem to find it funny at all.


Dead, he repeats softly. And you are not. I loved her, too. But I really think its time to move on.


We stand there and stare at each other, and his fingers are still circling my wrist, and the warmth is slowly spreading from the spot throughout my arm, and his eyes I dont understand why his eyes look like this, why he is looking like this at me me, of all people but for a second there, while Im staring back into these eyes, Im willing to think, willing to believe that it could actually work, that I really could move on, could live on aching, never forgetting, but live! Maybe I could even dig myself out of this insanity after some time, step out of this red-laced darkness Im living in and that he he, of all people could help me do it. Thats what his eyes are telling me. What they are offering me. What they are promising me. And for second there, I believe them. For a whole second Im almost ready to accept the offer.


And then she calls me again. Her call is soft, ever so soft, so deafeningly soft.


Scott Scott help me, Scott


And then shame hits me. Hot, burning, murderous shame. How could I?! How could I stand here with him, talk to him, contemplate future future, where theres no place for her? Shame, shame and guilt, because I know how I could. I know what I want. And she knew it, too. Even back then. She knew what I wanted, but she smiled, she only just smiled, and I thought it was okay, I thought everything was right


If we had been okay, I wouldnt have let her die.


And I did.


I jerk my hand away and theres no resistance he lets go at once, and its only the warmth left from his touch that doesnt die out for another few moments.


I turn my back on him and walk away, almost running, afraid that he will catch up with me again, touch me again, and then I dont know what I will do then. I have no idea.


But I hear no footfalls behind my back.


Instead, I hear voices in my head.


And it makes no sense at all, but all I regret is that I cant even remember what kind of color hazel is.



I knew he wouldnt listen to me. He doesnt like advice much, especially when it comes from me. Before, when he was okay in the head too much okay, for my liking he still could consider someone elses idea, even mine, if it was sensible. But now now I cant even imagine what goes on in that head of his. He snapped. Hes totally off the hinges. He doesnt show up at the classes anymore, he doesnt want to talk to anyone most of the time and he stopped shaving some time ago, and, weirdly enough, thats what worries me most of all.


Of course he didnt listen to me.


Thats not good.


Not good at all.


In fact, thats pretty bad.


I dont know why it feels off so much. Just what can he do, anyway? I even know where he must have gone. Took a beeline for the Alkali Lake, I bet. Its not the first time hes done it, either. Hes of that kind who cemeteries were invented for. Of the kind who need to go and visit a gravesite every once in a while. To talk to a slab of stone, to spill their misery, maybe, even to take a good bawl while no-one is looking and then to go back home. Only Jeannie happens to have no grave. The Lake is her grave. A huge, cold, watery grave. And so he goes there when he needs to talk to her. We eventually stopped worrying. No-one would call him quite sane now, but he isnt a suicidal type. He has been taught that its the cowards way, and he has too much of that boyish pride in him to take it.


But still, it feels off. And I cant just wave it off. My experience has proved that if I feel off that in itself is a reason to worry.


Maybe its because a little while ago something in him changed again. I dont know what, I dont know why, I dont know if it was for the worse or for the better, but I can sense it. Something is happening to him but these days he wont even talk to Professor about it, and the Psychic Guy wont get into his favorite boy scouts brain to find it out. His ethics wont let him, sure enough When he finds it necessary, really, really necessary, he doesnt give a shit for ethics, he just goes and does what needs to be done. But, likely, he doesnt think that its really, really necessary to help Cyke sort out his feelings.


He must be right, but Im still a bit pissed at him.


Its bad that the kid didnt listen to me. Its bad that I couldnt stop him. And for a second there for a whole second! I thought Id make it. His face went so weird At times Id give the world just to be able to see his eyes. Talking to this guy, you realize just how much we depend on eye contact for understanding people. I didnt see his eyes, I only saw him freeze, saw his face change And for all of a second I hoped hed stay. I didnt think much of what hed do then, because it didnt really matter. Whatever hed have done, Id go along with it. Id do anything just so that he didnt change his mind. Because no matter what he thinks with his stubborn little head, I do understand him and I do care for him.


I do care.


But I didnt see his eyes and so I must have misunderstood. I guess he wasnt thinking about me at all. Wasnt thinking about the things I was telling him. He must have been thinking of Jean. Hes always thinking of Jean. And thats only natural but still, it really pisses me off at times. Jeannie, girl, you died for him so why are you trying to drag him in to lie beside you now? Oh, I know how dumb it is to blame her for anything. Im not really blaming her. I loved her. And Im thankful to her. Ill always be thankful.


But what is happening to him is happening because of her.


Bad, bad, bad.


Im restless.


And when I hear that silent scream in my head (Scott!!!), right then, at once, I know. I dont want to believe it, I tell myself not to believe it because I aint no psychic, what the hell, how would I know but I know, that its too late now. Too late for anything.


And yet I whirl into the corridor, I all but bump into Ro, exchanging short, hasty lines with her (Did you hear that? Yes, I did, lets hurry), and we hurry into Professors office, hurry our asses off as if that could change anything.


And its not him Im thinking about. Or, rather, its not just him.


Im thinking of her.


And it makes me feel ashamed, but I cant do anything about it.


Ive had all kinds of feeling towards Jean. I loved her. I wanted her. At times I looked down on her. At times she made me quite angry.


But now, as Im rushing down the stairs, leaping over three steps at a time, bumping elbows with Ro, I remember him standing there in the corridor, his hair messed up, his face unshaven and motionless, his pulse, fast and uneven, beating under my palm


And for the first time in my life I think I hate her.


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