TMI For those weird people who want to know even more on me. Hello there! I never thought you existed. :-) Oh well, were I a rock star, that'd interest way more people, eh?..
Great expectations and how they kill your kids, or why Springfield massacre doesn't surprise me. Little towns and big questions - are you living in Derry, Maine? So who stole peace out of Chechnya? - a Russian's take on why freedom fighters kill children. Yes it CAN happen to you, or why suiciders aren't just "they". The Manifesto Of A Non-Professional writer, or why some can write 365 stories a year. Psychology is Teh Evil, with a short example from life that proves it. Some beasts are loners, and I'll kill you if you propose to me.
What's wrong with their heads?! or why I'm not 'Sex And The City's target audience. Male Magic is GAY! which is easily seen in "The Brotherhood II: Young Warlocks". Poor, poor Hephaistion! Alexander in "Alexander" talks too much, if you ask me... And that's why the rum is gone! Fangirlish squeeing over "Pirates Of The Caribbean II". Steal, mix and stir, or what is wrong with J.K. Rowling. Brat or not, Ellis is hot! even though I still don't like "American Psycho" that much...
Twenty Random Facts About Your Truly - even though you never asked... Metal Sludge's 20 Questions with Nikki 666 - the interview they never took. 10 things that make Nikki happy and 10 things Nikki hates with a passion The dubious origins - my family history, illustrated. One thing you shouldn't do - if you want to be my friend, but who does? The Crush List - don't shittalk these guys in my presence, dude!
Photoposts. See the real me - face the monster! July 2005, October 2005, Halloween 2005, Christmas 2005, December 2005, January 2006, ***